In September of 2023 we launched Summer’s Place. It is a transitional housing ministry for women (and their children) who are experiencing a housing crisis and obstacles in life. 
We offer a wholistic approach to enabling  independence by empowering educational, career, financial and life goals

BODY:   We are a 1 to 2-person transitional housing facility providing shelter for up to 12 months. Our plan is empowering our in-house families by offering a safe, private space where they can focus on their growth and future. All clients are assisted in managing their health by providing needed support for ongoing and as needed medical and dental visits.


MIND:   We partner with local organizations and educational institutions to help clients   receive needed training for success in life, such as a GED/high school diploma, job training, and other classes as suggested from our intake evaluation. These classes would cover topics and skills to support successful life independence, such as financial management, home management, and personal  development.


SOUL:   Our in-house clients will be required to attend counselling services to aid in identifying and addressing personal root causes for       adverse behavior and choices so they can move forward on their journey to healing. 


SPIRIT:  As a faith-based program, we strongly advocate the healing of the spirit. Not only will clients be required to attend church, but also to have Bible study, devotions, and a personal prayer life.
If you would like to donate toward this ministry see the info below or click the donate button at the top of this page:  “Summer’s Place” fund

Church of God World Missions #775-0039-002


Fall came. Winter is over.

Spring has come.

Summer is on the horizon!